What is a database?
A database is a large, regularly updated file of digitized information (bibliographic records, abstracts, full-text documents, directory entries, images, statistics, etc.) related to a specific subject or field, consisting of records of uniform format and organized for ease and speed of search and retrieval by a management system software.
The University Library subscribes to over 400 electronic databases. You can browse the electronic databases by subject, title, database types, and vendors/providers.
For remote access to the electronic databases, the UTEP VPN GlobalProtect is strongly recommended for the best connectivity and stability. If you would like help finding a database/s for your research, please stop by the Research & Instruction Desk for assistance or call us at 915-747-5643.
If you receive an error message when trying to access the databases, call the number above or email the E-Resources Team.
For more information, please contact the Access Services Desk at ask@utep.libanswers.com or call us at (915) 747-5672