What tax journals are available from the UTEP Library?


You may search the Business Source Complete database for tax-related articles from a variety of business journals.  

Example:  A search on the child tax credit deduction will retrieve articles from Journal of Accounting, Tax Adviser, Accounting Today, CPA Journal, National Tax Journal, and other tax and business journals. 

Searching: Business Source Complete 
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child tax credit 
AND. deduction 
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The Checkpoint (Thomson Reuters/RIA) database provides online access to several Warren, Gorham & Lamont Journals. 

  1.  Type journals in the site navigator search box to the right  

  2. Click on the WG&L Journals link that appears below the search box 

  3. A list of the tax journals will appear  

•able of 
Checkpoint Contents 
Federal Library 
Federal Editorial Materials 
WC&L Joumals 
Corporate Taxation/Joumal of Corporate Taxation (WG&L) 
Business Entities (WG&L) 
practical Tax Strategies/Taxation for Accountants (Wß&L) 
Journal of Taxation (WG&L) 
Taxation of ExemptsJJournal of Taxation of Exempt Organizations (WG&L) 
Real Estate Taxation [formerly Journal of Real Estate Taxation) (WG&L) 
Valuation Strategies (WG&L)

For more information, please contact the Access Services Desk at ask@utep.libanswers.com or call us at (915) 747-5672. 

  • Last Updated Jul 15, 2022
  • Views 122
  • Answered By Research & Instruction Librarians

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