How do I put an electronic article on Course Reserves?


Placing items on Reserve:

Faculty may submit Reserves Requests electronically (for books / for articles) or in person. Faculty should drop off books or articles at the Reserves Unit (Access Services Desk). Print articles to be scanned may also be brought to the library. Faculty may send their materials via a student assistant. Faculty or student assistants will need to fill out a Reserve Information Card, which provides information the Reserves Assistant needs to process items being added to the Reserves Collection. Faculty can choose from the following loan options: 1, 2 or 3 hours and 1, 2 or 3 days.

Electronic Reserves:

The Reserves Assistant will scan reserve articles intended for remote access. Faculty will be given a password and instructions as to how their students may access these online articles. The password and instructions can then be passed on to students in the class.

Please note: The Reserve Unit adheres to the Copyright Law and the relevant copy limitations permitted for educational purposes. Usually, a single copy of a periodical article will be processed for student use. Exceptions to the established guidelines can be addressed to the Reserves Assistant and/or the Head of Access Services.

Please contact Claudia Rodriguez, Reserves Coordinator, at 915-747-6638, for more information on Reserves. 

For more information, please contact the Access Services Desk at or call us at (915) 747-5672 

  • Last Updated Sep 22, 2023
  • Views 228
  • Answered By Research & Instruction Librarians

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