Can I reserve one of the Library classrooms?  


If you are an instructor and you would like to bring your class to the Library for a librarian to instruct your students on how to use library resources such as databases and evaluating resources, then please fill out our Faculty Services Request Form or contact Jacob Galindo, the Section Head of Library Instruction and Assessment.    

However, if you would like to use one of the UTEP Library computer classrooms (Room 204A or 204B) and not need a librarian or library instruction and are either part of an student organization or campus department and in need of a meeting space with a computer lab, then you can fill out our Library Room Request Form.   

Please note, filling out the form does not guarantee a reservation; if the requested time takes place during a previously scheduled event or during a Library Instruction session, then we will be unable to reserve a room.   

For more information, please contact the Access Services Desk at or call us at (915) 747-5672. 

  • Last Updated Sep 05, 2023
  • Views 84
  • Answered By Research & Instruction Librarians

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